Wulguru State School first opened in 1962.
Wulguru is an outer southern suburb of Townsville in the City of Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Wulguru State School is a primary school catering for Prep to Year 6 students. There are 8 classes. There are a number of composite classes.
Wulguru is a warm, friendly school with staff committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure each child is progressing.
The current enrolment is approximately 200 students.
Our students come from diverse backgrounds.
Our school rules are “Be fair, be safe and be your best” and we expect our students to follow them. The school prides itself on its sporting achievements and the emphasis is placed on displaying that “Wulguru spirit”, rather than winning.
The school boasts some excellent facilities from our amazing library and air-conditioned hall to the variety of playgrounds, covered basketball court, automated watered oval, wireless network, computer labs and extensive technological devices.
Wulguru S.S. has a free, daily breakfast program available to all students and partners with many agencies to ensure that students are ready to learn.
The school hosts a Dental Clinic on site and a Child Health Drop-In Clinic on Friday mornings.