Our Tuckshop is a service organised by the Parents and Citizens Association for the children and staff of our school. We have one paid convenor and we require volunteers to assist with this service.
Our Aim:
We aim to provide the best service possible to the children by continuing to improve the nutritional quality of our Tuckshop lunches. We also strive to reinforce home and classroom teaching of the importance of healthy eating.
When We Open:
Our trading hours are 9.00am to 2.00pm. We cater for Lunch 1 at 10:55am and Lunch 2 at 1:15pm, and we are able to be contacted on 47 998 736.
ORDERS - Orders can be placed by :
1. On line by Qkr! app Click here for the help sheet
2. Over the phone, with Credit or Debit Card
3. Through the classroom Tuckshop box (money must be paid before order is placed).
How you can help the school and your children:
To achieve our aims we rely on the valuable help of parents and friends of our school. You are invited to help in one of the following ways:
1. You could attend Tuckshop once or twice every four week cycle from
8.30am until 11.30am to prepare and serve morning tea and Lunch.
2. You could help part time e.g. for an hour or so after bringing your
children to school or after classroom roster.
3. You could be on stand-by in case of illness.
4. If you would like to get involved please contact the Tuckshop.
What’s in it for you?:
You can meet people with similar interests, to exchange information and form friendships. Your children enjoy seeing you at school. We offer free lunch, tea and coffee on your rostered day.
If you require further information please phone the Tuckshop on 47 998 736 during school hours.